Connecting to MySQL via MySQL Shell or SSL Shell

The article will show you how to connect to your MySQL using MySQL Shell.

The MySQL Shell is an interactive Javascript, Python, or SQL interface supporting development and administration for the MySQL Server and is a component of the MySQL Server. You can use the MySQL Shell to perform data queries and updates as well as various administration operations.

Note: For security reasons, only the accounts have passed our verification will be granted permission to the Shell / SSH service. If you would like to enable it, please update your billing information. Our staff will finish verifying your information within 2 hours.

1. Locate the target MySQL application

Please log in to the Control Panel with your credentials and locate your target application on the Home page or the My Applications page.

Locate the target MySQL application

2. Create the database and user

If there is not any database or user, create the database and user first. Click the "Manage" button on the Home page or the My Applications page. Then Click the “DB & User” tab in the menu bar on the left. On the page, you can create your databases and users.

Go to the DB&User page

Create the database and user

3. Get MySQL Shell/ SSL Shell connection string

Go to the Overview page and copy the connection string for your database.

Get MySQL Shell/ SSL Shell connection string

4. Connect to the MySQL server

Download and install the MySQL community client program.

For MySQL client 5.7:

Please copy the Shell or SSL Shell connection string to the command window. Replace the<UserName>and<Password> with your own database user and password in order to connect to the MySQL server.

Connect to the MySQL server from MySQL 5.7

For MySQL client below 5.7:

Please copy the Shell or SSL Shell connection string to the command window.

For Shell: Replace the <UserName> and <Password> with your own database user and password.

For SSL Shell: Replace the <UserName>,<Password> and <ca-path> with your own database user, password and the path to the ca.crt file. You are able to make the connection successfully then.

Connect to the MySQL server using Shell from MySQL client below 5.7

Connect to the MySQL server using SSL Shell from MySQL client below 5.7

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